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Using gene mapping science and proprietary algorithms, SkinDNA* takes the guesswork out of skincare by helping to identify the most suitable skin ingredients, internal supplements and treatment modalities based on your individual DNA profile.
Your SkinDNA* test will tell us the speed at which your collagen is produced and broken down. Accelerated collagen loss can lead to a steep decline in the health and appearance of the skin as well as contribute to poor wound healing. Diet and lifestyle intervention can help mitigate the effects of accelerated collagen loss.
Glycation happens when excess glucose (sugar) molecules link to the skin's collagen & elastin fibers creating advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Glycated collagen fibers can become rigid and have reduced ability to regenerate, leading to lax, cracked, or thinning skin. Learn how sugar affects your skin and whether you are prone to excess damage from high sugar intake.
Sun damage can include texture changes, pigment changes, and skin cancers. Often, these problems can take years to surface and by the time you see them, it may be too late to correct them. Our test determines how well your skin can handle the strains of the sun and pinpoints preventative actions based on your sun sensitivity.
Free radicals can effect any molecule in our body and wreak havoc in every layer of the skin, This can lead to a dull, aged, lifeless complexion. Our bodies produce antioxidants to help fight the damage caused by free radicals. Our test can discover how well your body is able to fight free radicals and produce antioxidants.
Inflammation is the body's first line of response for healing and counteracting infections and foreign substances. Too much inflammation however, can lead to irritation and sensitivity to some of your favorite products. Find out how prone you are to experiencing excessive inflammation and what steps you can take to counteract it.
Visit our frequently asked questions page for answers to our most commonly received questions. If you can't find the answer to your question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
I've always been one to take extra care of my health and biomarkers. I don't drink alcohol, smoke, or do drugs. I workout frequently, and limit my food indulgences to once a week.
When I did my Genetic Test and found that I have a high predisposition for Alzheimer's, high stroke risk, and an increased likelihood of getting a blood clot, I knew I needed to do more to reduce the chances of developing these issue. Further, I found I have poor inflammatory response to infections and other things that trigger inflammation. Despite what I already do to maintain my health, I now know I need to keep up and even enhance my recovery and supplement protocol for optimal aging.
In terms of my 'exercise' genes, I have difficulty gaining muscle. I discovered that making small changes such as taking in some nutrition during my workout, and taking longer rest breaks will lead to easier muscle gain and better recovery, If I had known this 25+ years ago, who knows how far I could've gone in my competitive career.
I wanted to share my story to tell you how important your genetics are. If you could know your risk of certain diseases or limitations and prevent them, why wouldn't you take the test? And the power of fear is greater than any other, so knowing what may be is a great motivator to foster better health habits. I think it's better to live a long and healthy life, than be sick and limited in your daily functioning for the last 10+ years of your life.
Body In Fushion
14811 Yellowhead Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 3C4, Canada