Signed in as:
Signed in as:
The following terms apply to the website (the “Site”), the services offered by said Site and Sanja Malesevich (the “Operator”) and your personal genetic reports (“Reports”). The Site is owned and operated by Body in Fushion Inc. (“Body in Fushion”). BY ACCESSING THIS SITE AND/OR USING THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE OPERATOR, YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, THEN DO NOT USE THIS SITE OR ACCEPT SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE OPERATOR.
Use of this Site
This website and Operator use via email correspondence and other means are provided by Body in Fushion Inc for personal use only. You can't copy, share, or use anything from this site on other websites without the Site’s permission. You may not use this site in any way that could damage it or interfere with others using it.
Links to Other Web Sites
We may link to other websites for your information, but this shall not be taken as an endorsement of any kind. We're not responsible for the content, accuracy, or anything else on those websites, and we don't guarantee or support any products, services, or information they offer.
The services provided by Body in Fushion Inc and the Operator are meant for research and education purposes only. We don't provide medical advice, and our services can't be used to determine your health or diagnose diseases. The genetic information we offer is based on scientific research. It has not been Government approved to be used for medical diagnoses. Most of the genetic discoveries in the reports haven't been clinically proven. Nothing on the website or the Operator’s review of your reports should be seen as medical instructions or a substitute for advice from a doctor. It is at your discretion to use our information to make personal, medical, legal, technical, or financial decisions. Information provided by the Operator are suggestions based on your reports and supporting research substantiating it. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for healthcare-related questions. Body in Fushion Inc doesn't practice medicine or offer medical services through our website or reports.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability
This website and its information are provided "AS IS" without any guarantees. Body in Fushion Inc and the Operator do not promise or represent anything about the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or quality of the content. They also don't guarantee that the content is suitable for any specific purpose. If there are errors or omissions, the Site and Operator are not responsible. When you use this website or the Operator’s services, you do so at your own risk. You agree to protect Body in Fushion Inc and the Operator from any losses, claims, expenses, or liabilities that might arise from your use of the website and the Operator’s services. Body in Fushion Inc and the Operator will not be responsible for any kind of damages, including direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages. This includes damages from decisions you make based on the website's content and/or correspondence with the Operator, as well as losses like data or profits. These limitations and exclusions apply as much as the law allows, no matter the legal reason for your claim. If any part of these terms is found invalid, the rest still applies.
Refund Policy
Refunds are not issued. If the DNA kit is unused, it can be transferred to someone who may be interested in using the genetic testing kit.
Updates to this Site
The information and services provided on this Site and in the Reports may include inaccuracies and typographical errors. Body in Fushion Inc may revise these Terms of Use at any time without notice. You are responsible to regularly review these Terms of Use and your continued use of this Site and Reports constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use in place from time to time.
Body in Fushion Inc
14811 Yellowhead Trail, NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5L 3C4
Body In Fushion
14811 Yellowhead Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 3C4, Canada